We are delighted that in less than two months we will be running a ticketed event for 280 people. Tickets went on sale last September and we are now completely sold out. This event is traditionally held in November so the last one was back in November 2019 … for most of us I am sure that feels like a lifetime ago … and was moved again from November 2021 to March this year to make sure that it could go ahead. The signs that we can go ahead with the event are looking good, but the most cheering element is that we are now sold out. That means 280 people from lots of different companies are comfortable getting back in a room together at last. Naturally all the necessary precautions will be taken but the fact that the tickets have sold so quickly is very life affirming for the industry. Throughout this pandemic I have maintained that corporate events must look to the private event sector to gauge how confident people are. After all, if you are not keen to go to your mates’ wedding you are highly unlikely to want to come to a conference! It seems that people are now not only saying they are more confident, but they are also putting their money down and buying tickets to attend these events.
On top of that next week, I am heading off on my first international site visit since 2019 and this feels like another very significant step. I am not claiming that all is back to ‘normal’ nor that we have completed weathered the storm, but I can see the sun rays up ahead and I am taking every little win as a positive sign that we are at least heading in the right direction. After two years of uncertainty and turmoil it feels great to see these chinks of light. Just need to remember how to run an event now … !